Cybersecurity Management and Sustainability Programs

Find a buffet of service items for monitoring and managing an organization’s Cybersecurity. These services provide management capability and the ability to identify risks from vulnerable systems and processes.  Contact the Servadus team to ask questions and learn more about the premium services.

Are you stressed over cybersecurity image

Vulnerability Lifecycle Management

Executing the management of a vulnerability lifecycle project to track Assets, identify vulnerabilities, analyze risks, patch systems, and validate patch resolves issues.

Person holding a PCI DSS sign

On Demand Penetration Testing

Executing the management of a vulnerability lifecycle project to track Assets, identify vulnerabilities, analyze risks, patch systems, and validate patch resolves issues. 

Sustaining PCI Compliance Oversight Package

The PCI DSS compliance program track task through the year to maintain compliance in a sustainable manner. 

Management of PCI
Pen Testing

This PEN Testing service complements our Automated Pen Testing Services with the segmentation testing required for PCI DSS Compliance.

PCI Approved Scan Vendor (ASV) External Vulnerability Scans

This vulnerability scanning service focuses on the PCS Security Standards Council’s requirements for vulnerability scanning for external IPs. This is an annual service. Organizations choose the number of IPs to test to meet their needs.


This service complements the Vulnerability Lifecycle Management (VLM) service by continuously reporting a known attack related to ransomware.  Organizations ready for the next step in risk reduction look for continuous readiness. 

Project Management

Success comes from planning and execution. Project management for client engagements is a critical part of engagements that comes with an online tool available at all times.


Virtual CISO (vCISO)

Many smaller organizations need a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or Security officer on limited bases. The design of virtual CISO service is to provide that full-time or part capacity and capability to lead a company’s cybersecurity program.


GRC Oversight Package

This service combines our professional consulting team and online tools to manage risks, 3rd party vendors, multiple assessments, and issues in the annual program.  It comes with 100s for standards like PCI DSS, HIPPA, and NIST CSF and supports custom assessments.  Visit our GRC page.

Vulnerability Scanner

Organizations with a lifecycle management program in place still need vulnerability scanning services. With the deployment of virtual scanners, Servadus provides an annual package for internal scans to support risk management by identifying vulnerabilities.

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